The 'Stars and Cars' of the ASA STARS National Tour The 2024 ASA STARS National Tour Winner's Circle program details. The STARS are organized in alphabetical order by their last name. Jump to a section:A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZB Michael Bilderback#2John Bolen#2Kyle Bryant#79Cole Butcher#28C Matthew Craig#54D Jeremy Doss#44E Tony Elrod#08Grant Enfinger#32F Jake Finch#51Clint Folsom#11Albert Francis#33Dan Fredrickson#36G Jacob Gomes#16H Michael Hinde#69Carson Hocevar#14J Boris Jurkovic#53K Derek Kraus#9L Ryan Luza#9M Ty Majeski#91Ryan Moore#74N Austin Nason#14Stephen Nasse#51Jett Noland#50O Connor Okrzesik#22P Preston Peltier#48Bubba Pollard#26R Hunter Robbins#18Blaine Rocha#98Casey Roderick#18Gio Ruggiero#22S Dustin Smith#33Gabe Sommers#15Dakota Stroup#47T Derek Thorn#7V Billy VanMeter#23W Timothy Watson#28W