
Make it a party at Midwest Racers’ Expo

December 27, 2013 (Rockford, IL) It’s not uncommon for racers and crews to socialize and enjoy some beverages of choice, while reflecting on a day at the track once the racing has concluded.  The same can be said for racers that spent hours finding great bargains for their race team at the Midwest Racers’ Expo parts auction.

Luckily, the racers are in luck, and Quaker Steak and Lube in Janesville will be ready to provide an enjoyable time for expo guests.  A “Friday night, post-auction racers’ party” will take place, with half price rail drinks, half price domestic draft beer and half price appetizers.  “The crossed flags will be out, as the Midwest Racers’ Expo is at its halfway point, with the conclusion of day one,” commented Auction manager Gregg McKarns.  “It’s just a half mile east down Humes Road from the Expo, and they’re offering half price on many drinks and appetizers for the racers,” concluded McKarns.

The two day event will commence Friday, January 3rd at 3:00 p.m. in a retired Janesville, Wisconsin Menards building located right next to the I-90 & 39 interstate, and resume on Saturday, January 4th promptly at 8:00 am.

Friday features the Racing Performance trade show, featuring a variety of products and services to the racing industry, in addition to the racers’ auction, which gets underway at 4:00.  On Saturday, racers will get to bid on many racing parts starting at 9:00, and the popular “c-lots,” consigned race cars, trailers and tow vehicles starting at noon.  Various series will have meetings in the building throughout the day as well, to discuss their 2014 seasons.

Consignment space is still available for those interested in selling off some of their racing equipment.  Please contact the Midwest Racers’ Expo staff at 815-703-0285 for more information.

The Midwest Racers’ Expo will be held January 3rd and 4th at the former Menards Building, at 2700 N. Pontiac Drive, Janesville, Wisconsin.  The facility is conveniently held adjacent to I-39 & 90 exit 171.  Plenty of free parking is available right on site.

For more information about the Midwest Racers’ Expo, please call the auction office at 815-703-0285, or visit www.midwestracersauction.com. And… Don’t forget to follow Midwest Racers’ Expo on Social media – “like” Midwest Racers’ Expo on Facebook and “follow” on Twitter @mwracersexpo.